Kurse in Friesack


Die VHS kommt zu Ihnen nach Friesack!

Im Begegnungsraum „Faule Grete“ am Markt und in der Kooperationsschule finden Kurse aus allen Themenbereichen statt. Von Eintagesveranstaltungen bis zu wöchentlichen Sprachkursen, von Einführungen in die digitale Welt bis zu Kreativangeboten:

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Unsere Angebote in

/ Kursdetails

A24F4630 Englisch - A2/B1
Wasser - alles fließt

Beginn ab Mo. 17.06.2024, 18.30 Uhr
Kursgebühr 13,73 € (Ermäßigungsgebühr 10,21 €)
Dauer 2 Termine
Kursleitung Francesco Craanen
Bemerkungen .

A summer crash course englisch conversation skills The topic is water! Two days we will talk about what water means for us humans. We drink it, we shower with it, we swim in it, we cook in it. But it's much more than that! Our bodies exists for 90 percent out of water. And furthermore: our first swimming lessons, our first dive in the ocean, our first date at the local lake. Water is every where and os everything. And then Climate change, rising sea levels, Incredible heat which we can only endure when we drink loads of water. A playful crash course about the thing we need most.

Let's talk, let's have fun and let's brush up our English.

A summer crash course englisch conversation skills The topic is water! Two days we will talk about what water means for us humans. We drink it, we shower with it, we swim in it, we cook in it. But it's much more than that! Our bodies exists for 90 percent out of water. And furthermore: our first swimming lessons, our first dive in the ocean, our first date at the local lake. Water is every where and os everything. And then Climate change, rising sea levels, Incredible heat which we can only endure when we drink loads of water. A playful crash course about the thing we need most.

Let's talk, let's have fun and let's brush up our English.


Falkensee / VHS / Raum E-07

Poststr. 15
14612 Falkensee


Mo., 17.06.2024
18:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Falkensee / VHS / Raum E-07 , Poststr. 15
Mo., 24.06.2024
18:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Falkensee / VHS / Raum E-07 , Poststr. 15